Selected Publications
Dang TLP., Sadreddin A., & Ahuja S., (2024). Readily available technologies in low-resource communities: a review and synthesis'. Information Technology for Development, 1-41.
Sadreddin, A., & Chan, Y. E. (2023). Pathways to developing information technology-enabled capabilities in born-digital new ventures. International Journal of Information Management, 68, 102572.
Sadreddin, A., Qorbani Hesari, M., & Ahuja. S. (2023). Digitally Enabled Entrepreneurial Resilience: Dialectics of Collective Minding, Paper in the Proceedings of the 29th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Panama.
Sadreddin, A., Boroomand, F., & Chan, Y. E. (2022). Digital Product Architecture and Customer Agility: Evidence from New Digital Ventures. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 51.
Chan Y.E., Krishnamurthy R. & Sadreddin A. (2022). Digitally-Enabled University Incubation Processes, Technovation, 102560. (All authors contributed equally to this article and are ordered alphabetically).
Gélinas D., Sadreddin A., & Vahidov R. (2022). Artificial Intelligence in Human Resources Management: A Review and Research Agenda, Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 14(6), 1.
Ahuja S., Sadreddin A. & Chan Y.E., "Readily Available Technologies for Building Community Resilience: Lessons from India during the Covid-19 pandemic." Journal of Community Informatics (2021). ISSN: 1721-4441 (The first and the second authors contributed equally to this article).
Ahuja S., Levallet N. & Sadreddin A., "Exploring Interactions at University Entrepreneurial Ecosystems through the lens of Actor-Network Theory", R&D Management Conference 2021, Glasgow, Scotland (all authors contributed equally to this article).
Chan Y.E., Ahuja S., Boroomand F., & Sadreddin A., "Technology Affordances in Digital Innovation Research: Quo Vadis?", Paper in the Proceedings of the 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2019, Cancun, Mexico.
Selected Media Coverage
John Molson Perspectives (2023), "Unlocking the potential of university incubators with digital technologies", Concordia University,, accessed July 13, 2023.
Malazdrewicz K. (2022), "Concordia Researchers Explore the Role of Readily Available Technologies for Supporting Low-Resource Populations", Concordia University,, accessed March 16, 2022.
Chan Y.E., Sadreddin A., & Ahuja S. (2020), "Digital technologies will help build resilient communities after the coronavirus pandemic", The Conversation:, accessed September 28, 2020. Posted also on September 28, 2020, on PreventionWeb, a knowledge sharing platform managed by the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction.
Teaching Cases
Sadreddin, A, Ahuja S. & Golub A., “ThinkZone 2.0: How to Develop Capabilities to Scale EdTech in Rural India”, Ivey Publishing, 2025.